Mommy Makeover

Mommy Makeover Finalists

Voting Starts May 3




Amanda experienced a fear of dentists and went later in life but hasn’t been able financially to take care of her crooked smile. Her daughter is in college and her son will be in college in the Fall. She has given them the best chance to thrive putting herself on the back burner. 




My daughter was once a thriving young woman who had a promising future. During pregnancy, she was diagnosed with placenta previa & was hospitalized for most of the pregnancy. As a result, she suffered postpartum depression. She was told that due to grinding her teeth from being nervous so much, two teeth had broken in her smile line.  She now hides her smile or won’t even go out, to avoid smiling. I would love to see her smile again!




Chassity has a form of cancer called multiple myeloma and the treatment is causing her teeth to rot and break. She has no money and not able to work. She is really trying to turn her life around and her treatment and teeth are a huge burden and it would be such a blessing to help her find emotional and financial freedom with a dental makeover. 





Denika has 4 children and is pregnant all while going through a divorce from an abusive marriage. I just want her to be able to smile again through all the pain and stress she has gone through over the last 10 years




My wife has raised our three boys to adulthood with no regard for her well-being, and about 10 years ago she had her upper teeth removed and replaced with a denture. She has a small hole in the middle of the plate and her bottom teeth are not as good as they used to be. My best friend and wife needs help getting her smile back.




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